Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Family and Friends!
I only said happy Cinco de Mayo because Elder Bryson next to me reminded me. Haha Miss the American traditions with Mexican tied in. Haha Wala Cinco de Mayo dito...sayang. Pero, life is good here in the Philippines, couldn't be more happy :)
We had one of those weeks were we were punted like none other! Haha That was kinda a bummer...we had this really potential investigator. Raymark, 18 years old and we found him a members home. We were teaching their less active son about the Book of Mormon and he was really interested about it. Two days later we taught him about the restoration and gave him a Book of Mormon. He was so excited to read it and said he's always been praying to find more truth and understanding in his life, and to overcome the challenges as well. Golden, so we got two members that are preparing to go on missions, they are waiting for their mission calls and we got them both to come with us for the next lesson...But wala siya! He wasn't there! So we tried again the next night with the member telling him about it and he wasn't there again. Apparently, his mom is a very strong catholic. He doesn't answer or phone calls or texts anymore either. Sayang talaga. So kinda like one of those weeks...
But to make up for it, we had our first baptism together!! Sandy is our newest member! She was glowing and was so happy. She's waited a long time to be baptized and she just seem to have been at peace. It was a great day. She also is starting to be a missionary and brought her best friend with her, sana we can start teaching her. We will see what happens but I'm grateful that the Lord put her in our path...she was just waiting for a Sister Burnham and Sister Temaaka to come along. I'm grateful I was the one to be put in her path.
I'm so excited for skyping this week! It will be great to see you all :) I'm just so filled with gratitude towards you all for you support and the good I know that you do at home. I truly have been blessed with a wonderful family, with a new niece on the way and a sister serving a mission in July. Malapit na! And I'm on the down hill of my mission...makes me kinda sad but at the same time it just means I need to make the most of everyday. Make the most of everyday, because "Everyday is a gift. Just remember who you are. Nothing takes the place of family, they're always number one. And you'll fall down and skin your knees but get up a thousand times. Remember life may pave the road, but you draw the lines." Mahal na mahal ko kayo!! Have a great week and remember, you draw the lines :)
Nagmamahal, Sister Burnham

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