Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I lost my pamangkin!! :/

Hello everyone!!

So this morning they took my pamangkin...my niece. Sister Japus. She got transferred this morning because there is a sister now that doesn't have a companion. So now it's just me and Sister Temaaka banished in Santa Maria. Haha No, I love this place, it's really beautiful here but it is somewhat feeling banished. Our house is kinda falling apart and you can hear mice running around within the walls and the deceiving washing machine we have...it worked before but it hates me and doesn't want to work for me. So back to washing clothes by hand. Haha It's all good though, it's more fun in the Philippines! Just me and my anak all alone, two crazy foreigners. This is going to be interesting...haha it will be hard but it will be good. I'm going to really have to become fluent in tagalog and everything! Yikes!!

But I'm grateful it's just me and Sister Temaaka, it was really hard in a threesome and it was hard to all be in the same page and work together in unity. And I feel like I was lacking in her training and everything because I had to put half my focus on SIster Japus. So change is hard but it's good. It's time to really learn and grow and come close together. I wish you could meet Sister Temaaka, she is the sweetest and funniest Kiribati sister. Love her to death! 

This week was good, kinda long because I'm figuring out the area and we don't really have work yet. Things are kinda a mess here but it will just take some effort, diligence, and time to get things better. I'm so determined though to leave this area better then I found it. It's hard right now to love it though...I really am homesick for Calapan but I'm trying harder and harder each day to love it more and more and especially the members and people here. They need my love and I need to give it more. I just realize more and more how much I truly loved Calapan. 

Lots of changes for all of us and I'm so happy for all your changes! Especially you Robyn, let me know where you are going to go!! Wherever you go, you're meant to be there. 

Happy advance Valentines Day!! And thank you for the birthday wishes! Excited to celebrate my one birthday in the Philippines, it will be good :) 

Mahal na mahal ko kayo!! I love you all so much :) Ingat palagi!!

Love, Sister Burnham 

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