Monday, April 14, 2014

By Small Things, Great Things Come to Pass

Hello Family and Friends!!

This week went by so FAST! I feel like I can't even remember it now because it just flew by! I have a feeling my mission is just going to go faster and faster and I'll be getting on the plane to come home to you all. Crazy and yet it scares me sometimes, I have so much to do out here and no time. Haha That's why we have to make the most of everyday. 

So my highlights of the week were about small things but great things came to pass from them. We've been trying to do more with the branch lately because honestly, it struggles. And the attendance and less active numbers are out of control. So we've been working with out branch president a lot lately and have made some goals and plans with him to fix these problems. Well, last Monday night we held our Branch Family Home Evening, 1st Monday of the month. It was small but yet great. Sandy came and she brought her friend/neighbor with her, Necie! YES! Haha She actually has been sitting in our lessons as well, Sandy and Necie are super close and I really believe that Sandy is going to be a great example for Necie. Sandy is so excited about her baptism, the light of the gospel just radiates from her more and more with each visit and she's happier and happier. Comparing to before, she's changed already so much. I'm so happy for her and I hope I'll be here next transfer for her baptism. 

But the thing that really brought a great thing to pass was while we did our Rescue Night, every Friday we work with the branch to visit less actives. We only had 4 members come to help us last Friday but it made a difference. President Maloto (branch president), went and visited Sister Glo's husband (RS president, she was actually working with us that night too). Her husband has become less active because of alcohol addiction. But that visit made a huge difference and his heart has been soften, even more with his daughter's decision to serve a mission. He said to President that he realizes more than ever with his daughter leaving, that they need to be sealed in the temple. He wants to change. It was a miracle. Before he was very stubborn and hard but because of his family and his daughter leaving in a few months, he's finally realized what is most important, family. I love that truth. It changes hearts. 

I love you all so much, while I was watching conference and hearing all the talks about family and those you love are the things that matter most in life, I was reminded again how true that is. That is the only thing and the gospel that matter most to me in life. How grateful I am for the truth we have and the knowledge that we will be together as a family forever. Like Elder Holland said, "It is worth it." 

Mahal ko kayo! Have a great week and see the tender mercies that are all around you! Because they're there :) 

Love, Sister Burnham

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