Monday, June 2, 2014

May Sakit Ako

Family and Friends, 

This week was sorta lame because I was kinda sick!! :( Hindi masaya... But it's okay now, I'm alive! Haha I just had like the common flu except you get it from the nasty's been terribly hot lately...haha sometimes the power goes off for hours like yesterday during church. Everyone is sweating buckets and we use anything to fan ourselves with...Haha mahirap and buhay sa Philippines. But it's a fun life full with good people :) 

The work we did do this week was good! We have great investigators right now...three completed family investigators!! They are all progressing too! But sayang...I might be getting transferred this week. Ugh...I don't want to! I love this area and we are at our peak. But at least I can say that I left this area better than I found it, di ba? But a change would be good, just to start over and learn and grow in ways I can't here. But I really have come to love this area so much as Calapan or even more. It's become another home to me. It was a hard area and still is but I love it. It's the hard things that we sometimes love because it's what makes us who we need to be. I'm just grateful Heavenly Father sent me here, there's good people here in Santa Maria, especially the saints. They're family to me :) 

Anyways our investigators are great, I love this one family we are teaching...the brother (Dharent) is a member, kinda less active and his wife (Kirzal) isn't a member. Anyway they started coming to church and we went and visited them. I asked why they came to church, why they wanted to be there. Brother said he realized his family is the most important thing to him and with their first baby on the way, he needed to change his priorities and become an eternal family. Sister feels the same way and she's anxious to learn more, she's very curious about eternal families and she likes what she feels at church. She said that's she's never felt that way before. She's already committed to baptism and they are definitely on the right path to becoming an eternal family. It's just the beginning but it's the right way. And brother is right, when all is said and done, the most important thing is our families and the gospel to lead and bless us. I love teaching the beautiful truth because I know it's true. That's what is most important to me and it's worth it to sacrifice a time so others can have what I have. 

I love this gospel and I know that it is all here. All the beautiful truths have been restored through a prophet and all we have to do it live the gospel. Live it so we can have all the blessings of it, especially being with our families forever. There's a scripture I studied awhile back in Mosiah 2:20-24 &'s about how God only asks that we follow his commandments and then He immediately blesses you. Immediately is used. I love that because His promise is always sure. I hope and pray that all of you will make the right choices in your life, no matter where you are and put the things that matter most, first. Like Dharent did. 

Mahal ko kayo!! And see the tender mercies and the blessings God gives everyday! Wish me luck for transfer day! 

Mahal, Sister Burnham 

"And frog is good :)"

"Isn't that little girl cute though? Eating her cute!"

"And I did kill that huge spider in our apartment! It was the biggest thing ever! EWW!!"

"Having fun with the district"

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